Care Bus on the road in December

Care Bus on the road in December

The Care Bus is a mobile warming and transportation service run by NorWest CHC in partnership with the Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre (TBIFC).  The Care Bus is staffed by Harm Reduction Outreach Workers and provides the following services: Mobile warming...
Lifeguard App

Lifeguard App

Sharing this could save a life. The Lifeguard App is now available for use in Northwestern Ontario. The app, which can be downloaded from Google Play or Apple’s App Store, is a valuable self-protection tool for people who use drugs, but it is more than that too....
Clean Your Hands Day On May 5, 2021 (#CleanYourHandsDay)

Clean Your Hands Day On May 5, 2021 (#CleanYourHandsDay)

For Clean Your Hands Day this May 5, we want to thank everyone who’s making a difference by following public health measures, including cleaning their hands. We’ve cleaned our hands, stayed home, provided care, worn masks, practised physical distancing and now we’re...
Every Child Matters

Every Child Matters

Content warning: mentions of colonial violence, residential schools We lower our flags today to join our community in mourning. The recent discovery in Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc has shaken many across the country, but we recognize that this unearthed tragedy is not...
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