FASD Diagnostic Clinic
For All Ages
Our FASD diagnostic clinic offers full pre-assessment and diagnostic services for individuals of all ages. Pre-assessments, screening, and diagnosis are provided by the diagnostic team, which includes physicians, nurse practitioners, and the FASD Coordinator. The team will consult and refer as needed with Speech Language Pathologists, Audiologists, Occupational Therapists, and psychiatric specialists.
NorWest Community Health Centres will provide assistance with application to the Ontario Disability Support Program and referral to other community agencies as necessary. Support to care givers is also available through our caregiver support program.
Our service area is for individuals within Northwestern Ontario. Services are offered through Ontario telemedicine services. If travel is necessary, assistance is provided with arranging travel/accommodations.
Referrals can be made from any source, including individuals who suspect they may be affected, caregivers, community organizations, and legal and medical teams.