OHIP Eligibility

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Am I eligible for Ontario health insurance?

You must have Ontario health insurance to receive health care services for which OHIP is a requirement. You may be eligible for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) if you are included under one of the following categories:

  • you are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or landed immigrant, convention refugee, or are registered as an Indian under theIndian Act;
  • you have submitted an Application for Permanent Residence or an Application for Landing and have been confirmed by Citizenship and Immigration Canada as having satisfied the medical requirements for landing;
  • you are a foreign worker who holds a valid work permit or employment authorization which names a Canadian employer situated in Ontario and your prospective occupation, and is valid for at least six months;
  • you are a foreign clergy member who will be providing services to a religious congregation in Ontario for at least six months;
    you hold a Temporary Resident Permit or Minister’s Permit with case type 80 (for adoption only), 86, 87, 88 or 89;
  • you are the spouse, same sex partner, or dependent child (under 22 years old or 22 years and over if dependent due to a mental or physical disability) of a foreign clergy member or eligible foreign worker who is to be employed in Ontario for a period of at least three consecutive years;
  • you hold a work permit or employment authorization under the Live-In Caregivers in Canada Program or the Foreign Domestic Movement;
  • you have been issued a work permit or employment authorization under the Caribbean Commonwealth and Mexican Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program administered by the federal department of Citizenship and Immigration;
  • and you make your permanent and principal home in Ontario;
    and you are in Ontario for at least 153 days of the first 183 days
  • immediately following the date you establish residency in Ontario (you cannot be absent for more than 30 days during the first 6 months of residency);
  • and you are in Ontario for at least 153 days in any 12-month period.

Tourists, transients or visitors are not eligible for OHIP coverage.

Your eligibility for Ontario health insurance coverage is not determined by whether you have a job or are unemployed, or where you pay your income tax. It is based solely on your meeting one of the above citizenship or immigration categories and on you making your permanent and principal home in Ontario.

Everyone, including babies and children, must have their own health card. Always carry your health card with you. You should be ready to show it every time you need medical services.

For more details about OHIP eligibility:
refer to Regulation 552 of Ontario’s Health Insurance Act (can be purchased from Publications Ontario at 1-800-668-9938 or reviewed via website (www.e-laws.gov.on.ca).

For more information:

  • Call the Ministry INFOline at 1-800-664-8988 (toll free in Ontario only).
  • In Toronto, call 866-532-3161
  • For TTY service, call 1-800-387-5559.
  • Access the Ministry website at: www.health.gov.on.ca

Your Opinion Matters

We want to hear from you. We value feedback from our clients, families, and community members. Your feedback will help us make our services better. Please feel free to contact us with suggestions or concerns you may have about how we can improve our services, concerns or complaints you have about your care or services, or, with compliments, as we do like to hear what we have done well.

You may also call us at (807) 622-8235 and ask to speak to a manager. We thank you in advance for your feedback.

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