About NorWest
Community Health Centres
Our Values
- Promote social justice and address social determinants of health
- Improve accessibility through overcoming system-based barriers
- Act in a holistic, integrated, and comprehensive manner
- Promote cultural diversity and inclusion
- Respond to the needs of people who are at risk and who lack access to social services
- Respond to individual and local community needs
Our Ends
NorWest Community Health Centres will improve the health of people through the provision of a comprehensive and integrated model of care that focuses on providing excellent primary health care, the prevention of illnesses and the promotion of health.
We will build the capacity for health of local communities and respond to their needs through community leadership, advocacy and partnerships.
We will work towards achieving health equity by improving our own practices, while also supporting and challenging systemic issues within other partner organizations and in the broader community.
Our Funders
Our Partners
- Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
- Thunder Bay District Health Unit
- Thunder Bay Drug Strategy
- Elevate NWO
- Kenora Chiefs Advisory
- Thunder Bay Police Services
- Lifeguard Connect
- Ontario Aboriginal HIV Aids Strategy
- Salvation Army
- St. Joseph’s Care Group
- PACE- People Advocating for Change Through Empowerment
- Superior North EMS
- Superior Counselling Programs
- Northwestern Health Unit
- Thunderbird Indigenous Friendship Centre
- Anishnawbe Mushkiki
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Crossroads Centre
- Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board
- Faye Peterson House
- Kenora District Services Board
- Lakehead University
- ID Action Group
- Kinnewaya Legal Clinic
- Lakehead University Community Legal Services
- NorWest Community Health Centres
- North of Superior Counselling Programs
- Shelter House Thunder Bay
- Elizabeth Fry Society of NorthWestern Ontario
- Thunder Bay Counselling
- Evergreen Pharmacy